Australian College of Theology

2025 Coursework Course Application Form

Information collected on this form is required to be reported to the Department of Education, and will be used to provide targeted support to students.

Personal Details

Personal Details

Legal name in Full (as shown on your Passport)

Contact Details

Term Address (address while studying)

Emergency Contact

Permanent/Secondary Home Address

Study Details

Course Enrolment


Previous Qualifications

Demographic and Citizenship





Parent Details

Regulations and Declaration

Regulation/Terms of Enrolment

Variation of Enrolment: Students who wish to vary their enrolment by addition of or withdrawal from a unit should consult their Affiliated College Registrar for the critical dates that apply to that unit and the procedure to use to apply for a variation. Withdrawal from a unit after the Withdrawal Date will attract a fail (FW) grade. [For more information, see – Variation of Enrolment]

Closing dates for application: An application for enrolment in a unit lodged after the Administrative Date for the unit may be subject to the Variation of Enrolment Fee.

Credit Transfer / RPL: ACT’s Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning policies are published on the ACT’s website

Resolution: The ACT’s Grievance Resolution Policy for Domestic Students and the Grievance Resolution Policy for Overseas Students are available on the ACT website at

Refunds of tuition fees: Candidates who withdraw after the census date of a unit and wish to apply for a tuition fee refund must apply in writing to the Registrar of the Australian College of Theology. A copy of the Tuition Fee Refund application form and policy can be found on the Australian College of Theology website

Application and Declaration

I apply to be enrolled in the Course and Units set out above and agree that, upon acceptance, I will be enrolled at the Australian College of Theology on the terms set out above.

Unless I am applying for cross-institutional enrolments or Single Unit Study, I note that I am enrolling in units contributing to the completion of a course of the Australian College of Theology and I declare my intention to complete this course of study.

Should I be accepted as a student of the Australian College of Theology, I will abide by its rules and policies. I understand that I can access the rules and policies relating to my course and my enrolled units on the website of the Australian College of Theology at

In particular, I acknowledge that I have read, understand and accept:

  • the Grievance Resolution Policy for Domestic/Overseas Students; and
  • (if I am an overseas applicant) the ACT Refund Policy and Agreement for Overseas Students.
  • I also understand that:

  • The Australian College of Theology is collecting the information in this form for the purpose of assessing my eligibility for the Higher Education Loan Program under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 and allocation of a Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number to me; and for program administration purposes, including the viewing of survey data by relevant parties.
  • The Australian College of Theology will disclose this information to the Australian Government as required under the Higher Education Support Act 2003.
  • The Australian Government is required to store the information securely.
  • The Australian College of Theology may disclose information to government departments in relation to transport concessions.
  • The Australian College of Theology and the Australian Government will not otherwise disclose the information without my consent unless required or authorised by law.
  • My information may be sent to software vendors in order for me to access software relevant to my course at reduced rates, and not on-sold to any provider.
  • I have read and acknowledge ACT's statement on COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Work submitted in relation to this course may be submitted to organisations for academic integrity assurance.
  • Noting that giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code, I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information in this form is correct.

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    Signature of Applicant: Please Sign in the box below *
    NB: only the applicant may sign this form - no proxy signatures will be accepted

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    Christ College is an affiliated college of the Australian College of Theology · CRICOS 02650E